Otniel Romeo's Stories

Get tangled up in me :)

Hi Guys!
Kalian semua pernah nggak nonton film "The Barbie Diaries"? Atau suka sama lagu-lagu yang dinyanyiin Barbie dalam film itu?
Atau mungkin di antara kalian ada yang ngefan sama penyanyi-penyanyi remaja sekitar tahun 2004-2006, seperti Hilary Duff, Jesse McCartney, Lindsay Lohan, Aly & AJ, dan Raven-
Hmmm... Mungkin juga kalian suka dengan cewek Punk seperti Avril Lavigne dan Hayley Williams?
Nahh, kalau begitu tak ada salahnya jika saya memperkenalkan seorang penyanyi wanita asal Kanada yang menurut saya cukup berbakat dan mengagumkan. Pada tahun 2006, Ia mengisi suara nyanyian Barbie dalam film The Barbie Diaries dengan lagu tema, "This is Me", yang membuatnya cukup terkenal. Ya, dia adalah Skye Sweetnam. Gadis kelahiran 5 Mei 1988 di Bolton - Ontario, Kanada.

Nama lengkap: Skye Alexandra Sweetnam
Tempat, tanggal lahir: Bolton, Ontario, Kanada | 5 Mei 1988
Pekerjaan: penyanyi, penulis lagu, sutradara video klip
Aliran musik: Alternative Rock, Pop Punk, Power Pop, Electronic Rock
Instrumen: vokal, gitar, piano
Label: Capitol records, EMI
Pengaruh: Alanis Morissette, Green Day, Nirvana
Warna favorit: Pink, merah, hitam
Nama lain: Sever

Penyanyi sekaligus penulis lagu berwajah cantik ini adalah putri dari Deirdre dan Greg Sweetnam. Namanya diambil dari kepulauan Skye yang terletak di Skotlandia. Ia memiliki dua saudara, yaitu Cam dan Aurora.
Ia bernyanyi sejak usia 5 tahun. Di awal masa remajanya, Ia mulai menulis lagu dan merekam beberapa lagu demo dengan bantuan sekolah musik lokal Bolton, Rumball Music Studios. Awalnya, Ia menempuh pendidikan SMP di Mayfield Secondary School
in Brampton, Ontario. Namun, berhubung dengan karirnya di dunia musik, Ia keluar dari sekolah tersebut.

Pada tahun 2003, Ia mulai memasuki industri musik dengan single pertamanya yang berjudul "Billy S.". Lagu tersebut juga diputar dalam film "How to Deal", yang dibintangi oleh Mandy Moore. Album debutnya yang bertajuk "Noise from the Basement" dirilis pada tahun 2004, dengan 2 single berjudul "Number One" dan "Tangled Up in Me". Kedua single tersebut cukup membesarkan nama Skye dan "Tangled Up in Me" telah dimasukkan ke dalam beberapa album kompilasi seperti "Radio Disney Jams, Vol. 7" dan "Now That's What I Call Music! 18 (U.S. series)". Dengan kehadiran album "Noise from the Basement" yang menyajikan kombinasi musik beraliran Alternative Rock, Pop Punk, Power Pop, Pop Rock, dan Teen Pop, membuat beberapa orang membandingkan Skye terhadap Avril Lavigne (yang juga seorang penyanyi asal Kanada dengan aliran musik yang sama). Menurut saya, Skye tidak menjiplak Avril. Ia dan Avril hanya 'similar'. Biarpun aliran musik sama, tetapi gaya musik masing-masing penyanyi tetap saja berbeda. Lagu-lagu di album ini berceritakan tentang realita kehidupan remaja, mulai dari diputusin/dikhianati pacar sampai perubahan tempramen pada seorang gadis. Lirik-lirik lagunya pun banyak yang gampang diingat. Di tahun yang sama Skye juga terpilih untuk menjadi opening act pada konser Britney Spears, "The Onyx Hotel Tour".

Pada tahun 2007, Ia merilis album baru berjudul "Sound Soldier". Album ini benar-benar berbeda dengan "Noise from the Basement". Album "Sound Soldier" memiliki karakter musik yang lebih menyenangkan dan lucu, dengan aliran musik Electronic Rock, Dance-Pop, dan Ska. Namun tetap saja, aliran musik Rock tidak hilang dari Skye dan tetap ada dalam album ini. Sayangnya, album ini tidak sesukses album pertama Skye, album ini tidak di rilis di Amerika Serikat dan hanya terjual sebanyak 950 salinan di minggu pertama penjualannya. Album ini dilengkapi 2 single, yaitu "Human" dan "Let's Get Movin' (Into Action) - featuring Tim Armstrong". Pada tahun 2010, "Let's Get Movin (Into Action)" diputar dalam film "Ramona and Beezus", yang dibintangi oleh Selena Gomez dan Joey King.

Sekarang, Skye tidak menjadi penyanyi solo lagi. Ia membentuk sebuah band bernama Sumo Cyco yang beraliran Metal. Ia tampil sebagai alter-egonya yang bernama Sever dalam band tersebut. Saya tidak ngefan terhadap Sumo Cyco karena saya bukan penggemar musik Metal, tetapi saya tetap ngefan terhadap Skye dan mendengarkan lagu-lagu solonya. Di samping kesibukannya dalam band, Ia juga berkarir sebagai sutradara video klip bagi penyanyi-penyanyi atau band lain lho.

Lagu-lagu Skye favorite saya:
1. Tangled Up in Me

2. Number One


3. This is Me


4. Sugar Guitar

5. It Sucks

and many more...

Galeri foto

Skye saat berusia 16 tahun

Skye sebagai Sever (2012-2013)

Skye dengan rambut merah (2010). So beautiful <3

Skye (kanan) dengan penyanyi Jepang, Kaela Kimura

Skye saat berusia 12 tahun dengan warna rambut aslinya. Cute lips :)

Skye dalam pemotretan single "Human" (2007)

Skye jalan-jalan di Paris. Je t'aime <3

Skye di acara Much Music, promo album Sound Soldier (2007)

Skye (kiri) mengenakan kostum Ariel (The Little Mermaid), saat menghadiri ulang tahun salah seorang temannya ^_^

Skye dalam pengambilan rekaman lagu "This is Me" untuk film "The Barbie Diaries" (2006)

Foto Skye yang dimuat dalam sebuah majalah. She's HOT and FASHIONABLE!!!

Foto promosi dan iklan album "Noise from the Basement" (2004)

Skye dan Britney Spears dalam "The Onyx Hotel Tour" (2004)

- Noise from the Basement (2004)
- Radio Disney Jingle Jams (album kompilasi | lagu: "Why Doesn't Santa Like Me")  (2004/2005)
- Disneymania 3 (album kompilasi | lagu: "Part of Your World") (2005)

- The Buzz on Maggie (TV series | lagu tema: "Just The Way I Am") (2006)
- The Barbie Diaries (suara nyanyian Barbie) (2006)
- Sound Soldier (2007)

Maybe, banyak orang menganggap popularitas menentukan kualitas, alias 'musisi tidak terkenal pasti lebih buruk dari musisi yang terkenal'. Tapi Eeiitss... Tunggu dulu, hal itu bisa saja salah besar. Buktinya, Punk Princess yang satu ini memiliki kualitas suara yang nggak kalah bagus dengan Avril Lavigne.
So, don't judge her by her popularity before you listen to her music! Go Skye :)

They flew so fast to Wingelia, Zachary directed them according to the map. They all were hoping that they will succeed to defeat Darcolard and save the kingdom...
After a few times, they arrived at Wingelia. Under the power of Darcolard, Wingelia became a dark kingdom, with the help of the armies, the giant cockroaches and butterfly monsters. If a fairy tried to protest him, he will imprison that fairy in the butterfly monster cocoon. Mirabella said,"Why this kingdom is so dark and scary?". Zachary replied,"This is what happened since 17 years ago.". Mirabella, Alyson, and Jessica trembled in fear. Dottiebum flew near Mirabella, and she hugged him. Jessica said,"Those flying giant creatures are revolting, they make me want to vomit!". Zachary told all of them to hide under the trees and call of the fairies in Wingelia to fight back Darcolard, he also told them to tell the Wingelians that their princess had returned. Mirabella said to her friends,"Okay, let's share the tasks. I and Dottiebum will fly to the palace and fight with Darcolard. While the rest of you stay here to lead all of the fairies. Understand?". Zachary replied (worried about Mirabella),"But, I couldn't leave you alone. I'll go with you!". Mirabella answered,"I'll be fine. Just believe me, I can do this.". She kissed Zachary's cheek and he said,"Good luck!". Mirabella and Dottiebum secretly flew to the palace, she searched an alleyway to the palace and flew to the throne room.
Outside the palace, Zachary, Alyson, and Jessica led the Wingelians to fight with Darcolard's armies. They told the flower, light, water, and warrior fairies to be brave and fire up their spirit of taking back their land. The fairies used their spells to kill the giant cockroaches and butterfly monsters. The flower fairies spreaded out their flowers' smells to hypnotize Darcolard's armies and make them fall asleep. The light fairies lit up their fire and light to burn the giant cockroaches and make them blind.
Powerful water jets were sprayed by the water fairies, which broke the butterfly monsters' wings. The warrior fairies used their archery and fighting abilities to kill the giant cockroaches and butterly monsters.
In the palace, Mirabella flew up to the throne room and he saw a very tall, half giant, bat-winged man with pale face and red eyes, it is Darcolard! When Darcolard saw her, he said,"Ahh! Look who's coming? It's my lovely future wife!". Mirabella answered,"I would never be your wife! Just leave this kingdom and let my parents be free!". Darcolard said,"Whoa oh oh! It's not as easy as that way! Your father had made a deal with me!". Mirabella said,"That's impossible, he must do that because of your evil threat!". Darcolard started to get furious, he made a ball of fire and throwed it to Mirabella. But Mirabella eschewed. After that, Darcolard made a cloud of dark smokes to ensnare Mirabella. Mirabella fell down to the floor and she accidentally dropped the Galactic sword. Darcolard wanted to take the sword, but Dottiebum bit his nose. Fastly, Mirabella took the sword and hardly thrusted it to Darcolard's heart through to his back. Darcolard's blood flowed to the floor. All of his spells were suddenly gone. The rest of his armies, which were still alive, turned back into small cockroaches and beautiful butterflies. The cockroaches were expelled out of Wingelia because they were pests animal, while the butterflies were allowed to live there. The kingdom suddenly turned back to be beautiful, the skies were blue, the sun shone bightly in cheerfulness, flowers bloomed with colorful petals, the river flowed clearly, and all of the tress were strongly fertile. All of the fairies were cheering, they said,"Long life the princess! Long life the princess!". Alyson, Jessica, and Zachary flew to Mirabella, they all hugged. Mirabella told her friends to come inside the palace and find the way to open the mirror dimension. When they were flying inside, Alyson found something big, covered by silver satin. She pulled off the satin, discovering that thing was a mirror. She called Mirabella,"Bella, come over here! Maybe this is the portal of the mirror dimension!". The sunlight went through the window in that room and it was reflected to the mirror. Suddenly, Mirabella and her friends saw a man and a woman in that mirror. Zachary told Mirabella,"They are the king and queen, they are still alive!". Mirabella asked Zachary,"But how could we save them?". Zachary replied,"You just need to put your hands on the mirror, one hand pairs with you father's hand, and another hand pairs with your mother's hand!". Mirabella did what Zachary said and she closed her eyes. Suddenly, she felt that her father and mother's hands were really touching her hands. The king and queen came out of the mirror and they kissed Mirabella. The mirror was broken into pieces by itself. The king said,"I'm King Hexorn, I'm your biological father. I'm so sorry about the deal that I made with Darcolard. I did that because I was afraid with his threat to take over this land! I love you dear". The queen said - followed with crying in proudness,"My dear daughter, you have saved us all! My name is Celestia. Please call me mother. I love you too, darling!". Mirabella said,"I love you too, father and mother!". Jessica and Alyson wanted to cry, but they held their tears in. Zachary smiled with wide smile among his lips. Dottiebum flew fastly to Mirabella and she hugged her. Mirabella asked her parents to let her stay in the human world little bit longer, to finish her senior school year and spend time with Alyson and Jessica. The king and queen let her do it, they also told Mirabella to invite her adoptive parents and Madame Elizabeth to visit Wingelia, but they had to keep it as a secret. Mirabella agreed. The king gave power to Mirabella's necklace to open the gate of Wingelia
In the night, they held the party in the kingdom. Celebrating the victory of defeating Darcolard. Mirabella's adoptive parents danced along together in the night, they enjoy the view of Wingelia and stayed there for one night. Madame Elizabeth eat the fairy cakes and drank the fairy beverages, she loved them so much. Queen Celestia also asked Madame Elizabeth to take some of the cakes for the kids in the orphanage. The party ended in the midnight, Madame Elizabeth came back to the orphanage.
In the next day,
Dottiebum was allowed to stay in Wingelia. Mirabella, Alyson, and Jessica came to school to study again, they all were sleepy. Their teachers got angry and told them to wet their face. They all went to the ladies toilet, but they were just having fun by splashing water to each other.


The portal directed them to somewhere in the magical dimension. A place with blue-green grasses, colorful gradiationed sky, fresh breeze, and beautiful plants...
Zachary landed well on the grasses by using his wings, while Mirabella, Alyson, and Jessica collided each other - They forgot to use their wings. Alyson said,"Why didn't you tell use to use our wings?" - she moaned. Mirabella said (admiring the place),"Where are we? This place is so wonderful! I've never felt this breeze of coolness.". Suddenly, a silver winged dragonfly flew to her and perched on her hair. She kissed the dragonfly and let it fly away. Zachary was seeing the magical map that he brought, the map had a light icon which showed where he was. The map showed that they were in somewhere in the magical dimension, but the place had no name, it said that they were still far from Tyranon. They had to pass the green valley, trapper forest, and then Tyranon. Zachary said,"Come on, Everyone. We have to be hurry!". They all flew away from that area, though they really wanted to enjoy the view of that land. Shortly afterwards, They saw a rose-colored flying panda which was being hurt by fire monkeys. Jessica said,"We got to stop them!". Zachary replied,"We have to, but we can't. The fire monkeys are very dangerous. Their powers of flame and fire could burn anything.". Quickly, Mirabella remembered that Alyson is a water fairy, she said,"Alyson, do you still remember your power? You might be able to defeat those fire monkeys!". Alyson answered,"Oh yeah, I'm a water fairy. But I don't know what spell do I have to use to defeat them.". Zachary said to Alyson,"Just point your magic wand to them! Quickly!". Alyson quickly pointed her magic wand to the fire monkeys. Suddenly, churning water came out of her wand, making the monkeys weak. The fire monkeys lost their fur and powers. They all laughed happy, they saved the flying panda and took them together. Mirabella hugged him, she named him Dottiebum.
They continued their journey to the green valley, where the rocks were covered by mosses and it had big trees. The green valley was the village of Gnomes and Dwarfs, they lived together in peace and cheerfulness. Usually, they liked music and dancing for visitors. When Mirabella, Zachary, Alyson, Jessica, and Dottiebum arrived at the green valley. Jessica said,"Why this place is so silent and green?". After that, the gnomes and dwarfs came out of the small caves, they danced along with the music which was played by the music-talented dwarfs. When the dance ended, the leaders of the dwarfs and gnomes asked them,"What are you searching for, fairy friends?". Zachary replied,"No, we are not searching anything. We're just passing this area to get to Tyranon for unplugging the Galactic sword. We want to use it to save our land, Wingelia. If you don't mind, could you show me which way to go there?". The leader said,"To get to Tyranon is a long way, we will give you some foods and drinks for your stocks. You have to fly to the south, passing the trapper forest. One thing you have to know, trapper forest is the home of poisonous dryads. They could tempt young men and poison the young men!". Mirabella said,"Thank you for your explanation, we really owe you and we will be careful. Also, thank you for the greeting dance, we won't forget it!". The leader replied,"You're welcome! Good luck!". The leader gave them some foods and fruit drinks, and they said "Thank you!". They continued their journey again.
After a few times, they arrived at the trapper forest. The forest was so dark and smelled bitter. Dottiebum felt scared, he flew near Mirabella and Mirabella said,"Don't be afraid, we're gonna be fine". Suddenly, a big black root tangled Zachary's leg and he screamed,"Help!". Mirabella, Alyson, Jessica, and Dottiebum heard him. Mirabella flew faster to save him, but another big black root hit her, she accidentally dropped her wand. A red-haired poisonous dryad came out of the trunk and flirted with Zachary. Alyson and Jessica tried to save her and Zachary, but there were 2 poisonous dryads poisoned them with their nails, making them fainted. Dottiebum flew faster to take Mirabella's wand, and gave it to her. Fortunately, Mirabella was still conscious. Then, she used the rose power to neutralize the poison in her friends. Sooner, they all got back conscious. They fought against the poisonous dryads with their powers. Mirabella used the flower smells to neutralize the poisons, Alyson spouted out water to break the tree trunks, Jessica burned up all of the poisonous plants, and Zachary destroyed the roots by using his muscular arms and legs. By destroying the poisonous dryads home, the poisonous dryads also lost their powers. All of the poisonous dryads died with wrinkled skin.

From the distance, they saw Tyranon filled with aridity. The trees had no leaves, there was even no water in the land. Zachary explained,"Long ago, this was the home of wizards and witches. But they moved to the human world since the 16th century.". Alyson said,"Why did they do that?". Zachary answered,"Because they were interested with the technology in human world. They followed the civilization of human beings.". After that, Zachary opened his map, the map showed that the Galactic sword was in a cave in the east of Tyranon. They flew inside the cave and found a stone door. Mirabella touched the door and it was opened by itself. There was the Galactic sword in the room behind the door. They flew to the room, but suddenly, a clump of big green roots tried to hit them. But they managed to avoid those roots. Mirabella flew to the sword and she succeeded to unplug it. Amazingly, the room was suddenly filled with bright lights from the sword. It transformed Mirabella's wings to become wider and more beautiful, looking like peacock feathers. After the transformation, Mirabella saw her friends being tangled in the roots, she cut the roots with the sword. But the door of the room was closing back. Then,  Zachary told her,"Use the sword, it could destroy the door!". Mirabella lifted the sword and she thwacked it to the door. She and her friends became free, and they went out of the cave. Jessica said,"Bella, your wings are incredible! They're even more beautiful than any jewels I've ever seen!.". Mirabella replied,"Thanks, and your wings are still shining bright!". Alyson said,"There's only one word I can say, wow!". Zachary said,"You are so powerful now, I believe you can defeat Darcolard and save Wingelia, your highness!". Mirabella said to her friends,"All of the part of this journey will be nothing without you, Guys. I thank you all. Now, let's fly to Wingelia! Are you ready, Guys?". Alyson, Jessica, and Zachary answered together,"Yeah!". Even Dottiebum made an answering sound, stating that he was ready too. Then Mirabella said,"Alright Guys, Let's do this!". They all flew away, leaving Tyranon. Zachary led the way to Wingelia by seeing his map.

- To be continued -

Mirabella grew up as a good girl in the orphanage. She was very kind and liked to help other people. Every morning, she irrigated the flowers in the orphanage garden. When she was 8 years old, she was adopted by a childless couple in New York City. Madame Elizabeth gave the basket and necklace to her adoptive parents. The couple didn't have a child because the man's wife was barren. Her adoptive parents sent her to a big elementary school.

Nine years later...

Mirabella became a beautiful Senior High School girl, with bright blue eyes and shining blonde hair. People usually called her Bella for short. She wore her butterfly-shaped gem necklace everywhere she went. Many guys in the school wanted to be her boyfriend, but she had never thought of dating any guy. She got 2 best friends, Alyson and Jessica. Alyson was a strawberry blonde haired girl, whose hobby is swimming. While Jessica was an African-American girl, who was interested in fashion. One day, when Mirabella and her friends were having sport lesson, their teacher told them to run surrounding the sport field. Suddenly, there was something strange happening with Mirabella, her hair turned color to be light-magenta and she jumped 2 meters high like flying. Her friends and sport teacher screamed in being surprised. Then Alyson asked her,"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What kind of attraction you were showing us, dude?". Jessica said,"That was an eyeball exploder, right?". Mirabella replied,"Oh come on. I don't even know what was that. But I must admit, I've never done something like that.". After that, the teacher continued the lesson. At 1 p.m., Mirabella came back home, her mother was surprised and she said,"Oh my darling, why didn't you tell me that you went to a fancy beauty salon to dye your hair? You see, my hair has become so obsolete!". Mirabella answered,"Mom, I didn't dye my hair. It just happened when I was having sport lesson. Hmmm... I am thinking what are my real parents?". Her mother said,"Well, I don't know. But maybe they are wizard and witch. Hahahaha, just kidding. I will give you some money to dye it back to blonde if you want.". Mirabella replied,"No, you don't need to, Mom. I have to find the secret behind this case. She called her best friends to come to Jessica's house for hanging out together. Mirabella went there by walking. Shortly afterwards, a tall, brown haired, handsome guy, intercepted her in the street. That guy said,"My name is Zachary, I'm going to explain you about your hair color. Your father and mother are the king and queen of the fairies in Wingelia. You are the fairy princess.". Mirabella cut his conversation,"Okay now! Fairies? Hello mister, are you still having children dreams this morning?". Zachary replied,"Look, this is serious. Your real parents are in danger. They left you in this human world because of an evil fairy named Darcolard. He wanted to take you as your wife, to take over Wingelia. Now, Darcolard trapped them in the mirror dimension. Your parents gave you that protective necklace to keep you save from the persons who want to hurt you.". Mirabella touched her necklace and she replied,"Then, are you a fairy too?". Zachary held Mirabella's hand and took her to a hidden place, he showed his fairy form. With red wings, red cloth, brown leather pants, and his gem bracelet turned into a magic wand. He said,"Do you believe me now? I'm a warrior fairy, my job is to keep Wingelia save.". Mirabella started to believe with what Zachary said. Zachary told Mirabella to come with him to save her parents, he also told Mirabella to invite her best friends to help her too. Zachary told Mirabella to hold his hand, and he made himself and Mirabella invisible to be seen by humans. Zachary took Mirabella by flying to Jessica's house. When they arrived, Zachary hid his wings and turned his clothes to be just like any other human guy. He didn't forget to make himself and Mirabella uninvisible. Mirabella pushed the bell of Jessica's house, and Jessica's mother opened the door. She let Mirabella and Zachary go upstrairs to Jessica's room. Jessica was surprised with Zachary. Then Mirabella introduced Zachary to Jessica and Alyson. Alyson said about Zachary,"Oh, he's so cute!". After that, Mirabella told their friends about her fairy identity. In the first, Alyson and Jessica thought that it was crazy, but they also believed it after they saw Zachary's fairy form. Alyson and Jessica agreed to help Mirabella. Zachary told Jessica to lock the door and close the window also cover it with the curtain. He gave some gemstones to Mirabella, Alyson, and Jessica to determine their fairy powers. A few seconds afterwards, lights shone from the gemstones and Mirabella, Alyson, and Jessica turned into fairies. Mirabella was a flower fairy, Alyson was a water fairy, and Jessica was a light fairy. Their gemstones turned into magic wands. All of them felt amazed with their fairy form. Zachary told Mirabella about the legend of Galactic sword in a land called Tyranon, it had been plugged for hundreds of years by a warrior wizard. It could be used for fighting against dark magic. He also gave them the fairy handbooks and he told Mirabella,"For now, you have the power of flower. But when you get the throne of fairy queen, you'll have the power of love and wisdom. Everyone, now we have to come to the magical dimension, I will open the portal. So hold on tight! One, two, three!". In the count of three, Zachary opened the portal by using his magic wand. They went inside to the portal and screamed aloud.

- To be continued -

In A beautiful night, filled with bright full moon and sparkling stars...
A fairy queen screamed out in pain while she was giving birth to her baby fairy. The midwife told the fairy queen to keep breathing to push her baby out. In a few seconds, the baby fairy was born. Then, the midwife told the fairy queen that her baby was a girl. With beautiful light-magenta hair and shiny lavender wings. The queen was very delighted. Her husband, the fairy king, was standing on the balcony of the palace. He looked at the sky with nervous feeling. The fairy king remembered the deal that he made with an evil fairy named Darcolard. If the baby was a girl, Darcolard will take her as his wife. But if the baby was a boy, Darcolard will let him stay with the fairy king and queen, and become the fairy prince. The fairy king had never told anyone about that deal. Suddenly, a maid came to the king and said,"Your highness, I have a news for you. Your daughter has born!". The fairy king was shoked, he flew fastly to the bedroom and took the baby. The fairy queen said,"What's going on, darling? Where are you going to take her?". Then the fairy king answered,"Our daughter is in danger! I will explain it soon, now we have to save her first! I'm going to bring her to the human world. So just follow me!". The fairy queen was so upset, she followed her husband passing the secret passage way under their bed. The fairy king used a spell to find an orphanage in New York City. Then, they found the orphanage and carried the baby fairy in a basket. They secretly put the basket in the orphanage garden. They were so sad to leave their baby, but that was the only way to save her. Suddenly, the fairy queen realized that she had not give a name for her baby yet, then he asked her husband. Her husband said,"What about if we name her "Mirabella"?". The fairy queen replied,"Yes, It's a beautiful name!". The fairy queen turned her daughter's hair to be blonde, making it look like any other human girl in America and hid her daughter's wings. The fairy king put a butterfly-shaped gem necklace in the basket and wrote a letter. The letter contained,"Her name is Mirabella. Take care of her and we will give you a price - with love, Mirabella's parents.". After that, the fairy king and queen kissed their daughter's brow with the kisses of protection. With the kisses of her parents, nobody would hurt Mirabella. The fairy king and queen flew back to their kingdom, they were ready to face Darcolard. In the morning, a gardener of the orphanage found Mirabella in the basket. He brought Mirabella and the basket inside the orphanage and showed her to Madame Elizabeth, head of the orphanage. Madame Elizabeth read the letter and she promised to take care of Mirabella.

- To be continued -

Brigitte adalah seorang gadis berusia 17 tahun yang memiliki bakat menyanyi dan bermain gitar. Namun, Ia kurang percaya diri dalam menunjukkan kebolehannya pada teman-temannya di sekolah. Selain itu, Ia juga sering mendapat perlakuan buruk dari siswa seangkatannya yang bernama Rebecca, yang cemburu atas kecerdasan Brigitte. Ditambah lagi, Rebecca jatuh cinta kepada seorang pemuda di sekolahnya yang bernama Michael. Namun, Michael justru memendam rasa cinta terhadap Brigitte.

Suatu hari, pihak sekolah mereka merayakan ulang tahun yang ke-50. Panitia acara tersebut menggelar lomba pencarian bakat, pada lomba itu para siswa dapat menunjukkan talenta mereka, entah itu menyanyi, menari, ataupun bermain musik. Awalnya, Brigitte tidak tertarik untuk ikut serta dalam lomba tersebut, akan tetapi Leslie, sahabat Brigitte, terus mendukungnya. Sehingga Brigitte mau ikut serta dalam lomba tersebut.

Pada saat perayaan ulang tahun sekolah tiba, Brigitte telah siap untuk tampil di lomba tersebut
. Ia membawakan lagu yang telah Ia tulis sendiri sejak satu tahun yang lalu. Lagu tersebut berjudul "Get Your Dream On" yang bermakna tentang tak perlu takut untuk mewujudkan mimpi. Para juri terkesan akan penampilan dan lirik lagu yang ditulis oleh Brigitte, sehingga mereka menetapkan Brigitte sebagai juara ke-2 dalam lomba itu. Rebecca yang ikut serta dalam lomba itu sangat kesal karena Ia dan teman-teman dalam girlband-nya didiskualifikasi oleh panitia lomba. Ia dan teman-teman girlband-nya ketahuan melakukan lip-sync saat tampil.

Tak lama setelah itu, Gianna, vokalis dari grup musik Pink.BLONDIE, yang merupakan bintang tamu pada acara perayaan ulang tahun sekolah itu, menghampiri Brigitte. Ia mengajak Brigitte untuk menjadi penyanyi latarnya dan menulis lagu bersama. Brigitte-pun menjadi sangat gembira karena Pink.BLONDIE adalah band yang diidolakannya. Suatu hari, Gianna mengajak Brigitte untuk berkunjung ke rumahnya. Rumahnya sangat mewah dengan kolam renang yang luas, taman, kamar yang indah, serta studio keren yang digunakan untuk latihan band. Ketika Gianna mengajak Brigitte ke kamarnya, Ia mempersilakan Brigitte untuk duduk di tempat tidurnya yang nyaman. Gianna bercerita dengan Brigitte tentang kehidupan mereka masing-masing. Gianna berkata, "Brigitte, apakah kau tahu bahwa aku ingin sekali menjadi gadis sekolahan biasa, aku sudah bosan dengan kehidupanku sebagai vokalis band.". Lalu Brigitte menjawab, "Mengapa begitu? Kau adalah seorang bintang rock yang keren. Kau cantik, pandai bernyanyi, juga berbakat dalam musik!". Sambil memandangi dirnya di cermin, Gianna membalas perkataan Brigitte, "Semua orang memang berpikir begitu, namun kurasa aku tidak pernah bahagia saat menjadi rocker. Sejak aku berusia 8 tahun, orang tuaku bercerai sehingga aku tinggal bersama bibiku. Namun, sekarang aku sudah memiliki penghasilan sendiri, sehingga aku membeli rumah dan tidak ingin tinggal bersama bibiku yang kejam dan membosankan itu.".

Brigitte menyesal telah membuat Gianna teringat akan kepahitan di masa lalunya, sehingga ia meminta maaf atas apa yang Ia katakan. Tiba-tiba, Gianna yang sedang bercermin itu terkejut saat Ia menarik rambutnya ke belakang dengan wajah tanpa make-up. Ia menyadari bahwa dirinya memiliki wajah yang mirip dengan Brigitte. Hanya perbedaanya, Gianna memiliki rambut lurus berwarna pirang keemasan, sedangkan Brigitte berambut ikal dengan warna cokelat tua. Ia pun segera menarik Brigitte ke depan cermin sehingga Brigitte juga ikut menyadari akan kemiripannya dengan Gianna. Mereka berdua berkata, "Kau terlihat mirip denganku!". Beberapa saat kemudian, Gianna mengajak Brigitte untuk bertukar peran. Awalnya, Brigitte merasa keberatan namun akhirnya Ia pun setuju. Mereka saling mengajari bagaimana cara menjadi bintang rock dan pelajar SMA sambil bernyanyi
Gianna: "Menjadi bintang rock, pilihlah gitar yang bagus. Menjadi bintang rock haruslah kau energik. Jangan takut, jangan malu. Percaya diri, jadi yang terbaik dengan karya yang memukau. Sapalah penggemar, jangan sombong untuk mendapat reputasi yang baik!"
Brigitte: "Menjadi pelajar, janganlah membuang waktu. Menjadi pelajar janganlah mudah menyerah. Jangan malas, jangan menggangu. Hormati guru, sayangi teman. Selalu tepat waktu untuk menjadi siswa teladan!"
Setelah itu, mereka memberi jadwal kegiatan masing-masing untuk dijalani dan Gianna membeli dua buah wig yang warnanya sama dengan rambutnya dan Brigitte.

Hari pertama tiba, penyamaran-pun dimulai. Gianna telah mengenakan seragam sekolah Brigitte dan wig berwarna cokelat tua, Ia pergi ke sekolah dan bertemu dengan Leslie. Leslie tidak tahu tentang penyamaran yang dilakukan oleh Gianna dan Brigitte, sehingga Ia merasa aneh dengan Brigitte (palsu) yang ada di sampingnya itu. Gianna tidak mengenal baik sekolah tersebut, banyak tempat yang tidak Ia ketahui letaknya. Ia pun tidak mengikuti pelajaran dengan baik, Ia sempat mengantuk saat pelajaran Matematika, Sejarah, dan Bahasa Spanyol. Gianna pun berani melawan Rebecca yang berusaha menghalangi jalannya. Sehingga para guru menjadi sangat heran.

Di studio, Brigitte (dengan wig pirang) dan personil Pink.BLONDIE sedang berlatih untuk tampil di acara musik "Loud Mania" yang disiarkan langsung di televisi setiap hari pada jam 3 sore. Mereka mandapat giliran untuk tampil di acara tersebut besok. Saat bernyanyi, Brigitte mengalami kesulitan dalam menyesuai nada dengan musik, karena suaranya yang lembut, sedangkan Pink.BLONDIE adalah band dengan aliran pop-rock dan pop-punk. Untuk menjaga rahasia penyamarannya, Ia mengaku pada seluruh personil Pink.BLONDIE bahwa tubuhnya sedang kurang sehat. Namun, Andrew, pemain gitar dalam band itu tetap mengenali suara asli Gianna yang powerful dan berkarakter, tetapi Ia tidak berkata apa-apa kepada Brigitte.

Pada malam hari, Gianna dan Brigitte bercerita tentang hal-hal yang mereka jalani pada hari itu melalui telepon seluler. Mereka tertawa karena teringat akan hal tergila yang pernah mereka alami tersebut. Sayangnya, hari penyamaran mereka telah berakhir, dan mereka harus kembali menjadi diri masing-masing. Tetapi Brigitte yang pada mulanya merasa tegang, kini justru ketagihan untuk melakukan penyamaran lagi. Gianna pun setuju untuk melakukannya lagi dan berencana untuk kembali menjadi diri masing-masing 1 jam sebelum penampilan Pink.BLONDIE di acara "Loud Mania".

Namun pada hari kedua, penyamaran mereka tidak berjalan dengan lancar. Saat para siswa kelas XII IPA mendapat pelajaran olah raga, mereka berada di lapangan, termasuk Gianna yang menyamar sebagai Brigitte. Saat itu, Rebecca yang merupakan siswa kelas XII IPS 2, menyusun rencana jahat untuk membuat Brigitte dikeluarkan dari sekolah. Ia berpura-pura meminta ijin kepada guru Ekonomi untuk pergi ke toilet, dan guru itu pun mengijinkannya. Padahal, Rebecca menyelinap masuk ke ruang Mr. Gibbs, sang kepala sekolah. Saat itu, sang kepala sekolah sedang berada di toilet, namun Ia lupa mengunci pintu ruang kerjanya. Sehingga Rebecca masuk dan mengambil laptop serta telepon seluler miliknya. Setelah itu, Rebecca pergi menuju kelas XII IPA yang pada saat itu kosong. Ia memasukkan laptop dan telepon genggam milik Mr. Gibbs ke dalam tas Gianna.

Tak lama kemudian, terdengar pengumuman bahwa laptop dan telepon seluler milik kepala sekolah telah hilang. Rebecca menjadi semakin senang, sehingga Ia menyarankan Mr. Gibbs untuk mengadakan pemeriksaan bagi tas setiap siswa. Mr. Gibbs sangat setuju, dan ketika Ia memeriksa tas Gianna, Ia menemukan laptop dan telepon selulernya. Dengan tegas, Gianna berkata,"Pak, Saya tidak tahu siapa yang mengambil laptop dan telepon seluler Anda. Bukan saya pelakunya.". Tetapi Mr. Gibbs tidak punya pilihan lain, Ia terpaksa menulis surat kepada orang tua Brigitte bahwa Ia dikeluarkan dari sekolah. Melihat kejadian itu, Gianna segera melepas wig cokelat tua dari kepalanya dan berkata, "Aku bukan Brigitte, aku Gianna, vokalis dari Pink.BLONDIE!". Ia pula mengatakan kepada semua orang di sekolah bahwa dirinya dan Brigitte memiliki wajah yang mirip, dan Brigitte sedang menyamar sebagai dirinya. Akhinya, Mr. Gibbs menelepon kantor polisi untuk menangkap Gianna atas tuduhan pencurian.

Waktu berlalu, jam menunjukkan pukul 2 siang. Gianna yang masih dalam proses pemeriksaan di kantor polisi itu berusaha menghubungi Brigitte, namun Brigitte sedang berlatih bersama para personil band. Satu jam berikutnya, Brigitte menelepon Gianna, namun Gianna sedang diinvestigasi oleh para polisi. Berpikir cepat, Brigitte memutuskan untuk tampil di acara "Loud Mania" tersebut. Ia membawakan single terbaru Gianna yang berjudul "Punk Princess". Karena suaranya yang lembut, Ia menggunakan gitar akustik pada awal lagu, lalu disusul oleh musik pop-rock dari band. Semua penonton tetap merasa senang dapat menyaksikan Pink.BLONDIE tampil secara langsung, meskipin dengan gaya musik yang agak berbeda.

Setelah penampilan Pink.BLONDIE tersebut, Brigitte mengambil telepon genggamnya dan membaca sebuah sms dari Gianna bahwa Ia sedang berada di kantor polisi. Brigitte dan para personil Pink.BLONDIE segera pergi ke kantor polisi tersebut dan menemui Gianna. Brigitte segera melepas wig pirangnya dan Gianna pun menceritakan segalanya kepada Brigitte. Tiba-tiba, Brigitte teringat bahwa ada kamera CCTV di sekolahnya. Ia segera mengatakan kepada Mr. Gibbs untuk membuka rekaman CCTV. Rebecca menjadi sangat ketakutan dan Ia berusaha mencegah hal itu terjadi, dan Brigitte mengancamnya, "Jika kau menghalangi kami untuk melihat rekaman CCTV hari ini, berarti kaulah pelaku pencurian itu!". Tiba-tiba, Rebecca terdiam, jantungnya berdegup kencang, dan kedua tangannya gemetar. Mr. Gibbs, Brigitte, Gianna, Rebecca, para polisi, serta personil-personil Pink.BLONDIE ikut pergi ke sekolah Brigitte. Mr. Gibbs segera menemui kepala keamanan sekolah untuk meminta kunci ruang monitor CCTV. Mereka segera masuk ke ruangan itu dan menyaksikan rekaman CCTV pada hari itu di jam pelajaran. Hasilnya, video rekaman kamera CCTV di lantai 4 sekolah itu memperlihatkan Rebecca pergi ke ruang kepala sekolah dan mengambil laptop serta telepon seluler. Disusul oleh rekaman dari kamera CCTV lantai 3 yang memperlihatkan Brigitte masuk ke kelas XII IPA sambil membawa laptop dan telepon seluler tersebut dan keluar dengan tangan kosong.

Dengan cepat, Rebecca berusaha melarikan diri dari tempat itu. Tetapi para polisi berhasil menangkapnya dan memborgol kedua tangannya. Gianna dan Brigitte tertawa bahagia atas ide gila yang mereka lakukan. Mr. Gibbs berjalan menghampiri Gianna dan Brigitte, Ia berkata, "Kalian benar-benar gadis yang nakal. Namun harus ku akui, aku senang atas keberanian kalian!". Esoknya, kepala yayasan yang merupakan orang tua Rebecca, mengirimnya ke sekolah pendidikan kepribadian. Brigitte kembali belajar di sekolah seperti biasa, saat Mr. Gibbs bertemu dengannya, Ia menyapanya dan Mr. Gibbs menarik rambut Brigitte dengan pelan, mencurigai kalau-kalau Gianna menyamar lagi. Brigitte pun berkata, "Tenang saja, Pak! Ini aku, Brigitta Bernadetta Christy Theodore.". Mr Gibbs membalasnya dengan tawa. Semenjak kepergian Rebecca dari sekolah itu, hubungan diantara Brigitte dan Michael menjadi semakin dekat. Kini Gianna dan Brigitte mengerti bahwa menjadi diri sendiri adalah hal yang terindah, namun mereka juga belajar dari diri satu sama lain. Gianna yang dulu bersikap pesimis kini menjadi lebih ceria dan ramah, sedangkan Brigitte yang dulunya pemalu kini telah menjadi lebih percaya diri. Gianna pun kembali beraksi bersama bandnya, Ia mengajak Brigitte untuk menulis lagu untuk dijadikan single terbarunya yang berjudul "Rock Out". Selain itu, Gianna telah menetapkan Brigitte sebagai anggota dari Pink.BLONDIE, sehingga Pink.BLONDIE berganti nama menjadi "Double Kick".

"We're gonna rock out! Rock out! Baby!
Let me show you what a punker girl can do
We're gonna rock out! Rock out! Baby!
Don't ever think that a simple girl can't make you say WOW
La la la la... La la la la...
So come on!"


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